Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd’s music

Pink Flyod : « The dark side of the moon ».

1973, I am 13 years old and I hear for the first time a bewitching and magnificent music « The dark side of the moon ».

For me, this album will remain the most beautiful and representative of the Pink Floy sound. Its iconic cover with the prism of light, made by StormThorgerson, is considered one of the most creative in the history of pop music. The triangle is a symbol of ambition and the prism represents the stage lighting of the group’s shows.

This record has sold 40 million copies worldwide. It remains a major album in the history of rock music.

Every time I listen to Pink Floyd’s music, I am overwhelmed by an emotional potential that I wanted to exploit with my painting. Most of my paintings are made by listening to this bewitching sensory music. My hand follows the rhythm of the music and brings movement to the painting.
The lyrics of Pink Floyd’s songs often have a philosophical vocation.

Conflict, greed, time, death, madness, money, loneliness, glory, old age, anguish, oppression…… are recurring themes that over the years have always remained relevant.

The best example is « Money », a song written by Roger Waters that makes fun of the consumerism of our society.

Pink Floyd – 1971

Pink Floyd :

British progressive and psychedelic rock band, originally from London, formed in 1965.

Members :

Syd Barrett

Roger Waters

David Gilmour

Richard wright

Nick Mason

Discography :

The piper at the gates of dawn : 1967

A saucerful of secrets : 1968

More : 1969

Ummaguma : 1969

Atom heart mother : 1970

Meddle : 1971

Obscured by clouds : 1972

The dark side of the moon : 1973

Wish you where here : 1975

Animals : 1977

The Wall : 1979

The final cut : 1983

A momentary lapse of reason : 1987

The division bell : 1994

The endless river : 2014

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