Priory of Gasny - Painting Exhibition

 « Prieuré de Gasny » 27 – Painting exhibition

4 days at the Priory

The exhibition took place from May 30 to June 2, in this splendid 12th century building located at the entrance to Gasny, behind the Saint Martin church.

It was under a blazing sun that 140 visitors were able to discover 75 of my paintings throughout these 4 days. The opening was a great success with 65 participants.

Gasny Exhibition - Chantal Lallemand Painter Painting and Burnout

Cyril Lavancier presented 6 creations during my exhibition by writing a showroom in the spirit of « back to the past » which was a great success. The designer recycles old « grandmother’s » embroidered sheets by giving them a second life according to the wishes of their owner: skirt, trousers, dresses… It’s absolutely magnificent!

Still many questions from visitors about my technique. A lot of amazement and questions about the work of sewing beads.
A little history on the Priory of Gasny

The Saint-Nicaise priory has an ancient origin: a chapel was built around 660 by the monks of Saint-Ouen de Rouen. In the 13th century, the priory had two manors, one beyond the river, the other in the village, near the parish church. Of this one remain: a main building (or southern building) whose construction can go back to the 13th-14th century, modified in the 15th century (breakthroughs, beams with painted decoration), arranged in the 18th century (square return on the east side); a brick gallery from the 15th century; a slightly misaligned building preserving traces of former entrance pillars; in the southwest, remains of the fence wall.

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I invite you to discover the report of the opening of this exhibition at the Priory

A big thank you to Didier Morel and Jean Claude, art photographers…

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